Matt Strong

I’m a Computer Science PhD in Robotics and AI at Stanford University. I am currently advised by Monroe Kennedy and Jeannette Bohg. I am interesting in constructing rich visual-tactile representations for dexterous manipulation, and using those representations to imbue robots with the ability to perform fine-grained tasks. I am funded by the National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship.

Prior to this, I worked at Microsoft as a Software Engineer in Redmond on the Customer Experience Platform. Before this, during my undergrad at the University of Colorado Boulder, I worked in the HIRO group as an undergraduate researcher, advised by Professor Alessandro Roncone. I was also a researcher in the SBS lab, advised by Professor Wangda Zuo.

I enjoy running, trail running, frisbee, biking, swimming, and hiking. Check out my Strava!

My best languages: Python, C++, Typescript, C#, 中文 (in progress)